Sunday, July 10, 2016

DIY Watercolor Travel Case

I was recently watching a video on that was created by TheFrugalCrafter, Lindsay Weirich. I adore her channel and all the tips and tricks she has for artist.  I stumbled upon a video about a DIY watercolor travel case.  Link Below. What she presents is much better than what I have today.  I highly recommend you go check out her video. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to wait for some of the supplies she recommended since we are moving in two weeks. After a score at a friend's garage sale and a quick trip to hobby lobby I came up with my own version.

My score!  These are hard to find in store so check out The Frugal Crafter for details on where to purchase these nifty wipe boxes and the other supplies she list.
Travel Watercolor Studio in a Wipe Box!

I bought these mini storage boxes for jewelry to store my paint.  They are deep so I can put as little or as much paint as I like in each container.  I separated the boxes and glued (hot glue gun) the bottom edge to the bottom of my wipe box on one side.

Since I am a beginner I chose a cheap watercolor tube paint set from hobby lobby.  I made a case for watercolor and acrylic.  Watercolor is what will be pictured.

I filled the containers and set aside to dry for 24 hours.

(This is what the paint should look like once dry.  It may look differently if you use an artist grade paint.)

Once the paint dried I made a swatch card to keep inside the case.  Placed my brush and a piece of cardboard to place between my paper and the paint.  I did this so if the paint was not dried completely the next time I use it the cardboard would protect my paper.  I also placed the corner of some cardboard for a sweeper. (To sweep paint across the page.)

I hope you enjoyed this little tribute!  Thank you, Lindsay Weirich, for the fantastic idea!  Paint on!


Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Lego Kid Fest!

This past weekend we loaded up the car in the dark hours of the morning...the time that no one...I repeat no one should be awake...and we went on a little adventure. The kids had no idea what we had planned, which for us made the trip more fun.  We drove the five and half hours to our destination, rested and swam at the hotel for a bit and then headed out to what would be the best surprise we have ever given our kids!

We arrived at the event center and our six year old was first to spot the sign for Lego Kid Fest.  Thankfully for us, he didn't pick up on the fact that Lego Kid Fest was exactly where we were headed. When we walked through the doors of Lego Kid Fest our kid's eyes lit up like we had never seen!  Even the two-year-old was thrilled to see Lego Hulk right as we entered!  Pictures with Hulk followed promptly.

Our first priority was STAR WARS because ya know....Star Wars and we love it.  Who doesn't want to relay race to John Williams genius?  The kids raced to find lego pieces of the space ships and quickly put them together.  The staff running the relay were fantastic and fun!  They really helped the kids get excited about a new experience!

This little general  (The prize for our relay race) was put together as soon as we got back to our hotel that night.

We decided to go with the flow and followed the kids where they led for the rest of the evening.  It was fun letting them show us everything!  We kept with the Star Wars theme and headed over to the Star Wars Bionics.  My husband and I even on in on the action and made an Obi-wan Kenobi and a Storm Trooper.
I think my hubby felt like a kid again.

This was an area our entire family enjoyed.

We especially enjoyed getting a pic with Chewy.

After Star Wars, we headed over to the GIANT PILE OF LEGOS!!!  Our eldest referred to this area as "Lego Heaven"

They had a Duplo pile for our littles as well.

After some time in the Lego piles, we headed over to our time with the Lego Master Builder! This was a huge treat because there are only eight master builders in the entire world!  Our kids got a chance to ask the Master Builder questions..."Did you make the Lego Hulk?  Did you make the Princess Glass Slipper?"  Both answers to these questions were, yes!!  The Master Builder gave us some great Lego building tips and a booklet with some special lego brick paper.  (I will add that if you want to participate in this event make sure you get your tickets early.  Tickets are free but the spaces go fast!)

After our Master Builder session, we decided that Daddy and the boys would check out some Lego Ninjago and the girls would head over to Lego Friends.  This was precious time with our littles.

Our four-year-old daughter was so excited to find out that when she finished building her house that she would get to keep a Lego Friends doll!  The speed in which she built the Lego house after learning the aforementioned information was astronomical!

We finished off the night with some light reading while we waited for the boys who made their way back to STAR WARS.  Surprise surprise. ;)

Our only complaint about the night was that the food was costly.  We spend $36 on a hamburger and four kids meals which consisted of a hot dog, chips, rice crispy treat and a juice.  We did have the option to leave the event and come back.  If we ever have the opportunity to go back I think that is what we will do (or eat before or after the event).

Upon arriving back at our hotel that night our eldest child proclaimed that we need to go to Lego Kid Fest every year!  It was the best weekend of his life.  We had a fantastic time as a family.  It is a trip our kids will never forget!

Nighty Night!

Disclosure:  We received the event tickets at no cost to us.  The opinions listed are 100% my own.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Five Must Haves for International Travel

Where my family lives we are currently under tornado watch so I thought I would finally take some time to write about traveling anywhere else but here at the moment. ;)

I love my state and its unpredictable weather...but getting on a plane today would make me a very happy lady.

After traveling abroad you learn certain products are fantastic for making your trip run a bit more smoothly.  Here are my top five must haves for international travel!

1:  All in One USB Travel Adapter.  

My personal recommendation is pictured below.  The beautiful thing about each of these products is that they are all available on  Love me some Amazon.  With the all in one adapter, almost no matter where you travel you are covered.  (It should be noted that Asia and parts of North Africa use the European prongs.) With the added USB it makes it easy to charge your phone and also plug in my next recommended product.

Side note:  If you want to avoid tears...remember to unplug and pack your adapter before each hotel stop...or you could end up like me.  I plan to buy another one soon.  I am sure someone is enjoying my old one somewhere in the world.

Yubi Power All In One Travel Adapter with Universal Outlet and 2 USB 2.0 Ports - Built In Surge Protector and Neon Light Indicator - Foldable Prongs  

2. Innobay Portable Fan 

If you are like me and like noise and air movement to get a restful nights sleep this is the product for you. Unlike the USB adapter, with much of the brands offering similar results, the portable fan I am recommending is the king of portable fans.  It is worth every penny.  Every penny being...1995 pennies or ya know...$19.95 USD. This little fan has some real power behind it. It has three fan settings with a fourth that is a flashlight. (Nice added bonus).  The fan uses a rechargeable battery.  
When my friend and I stayed in a hotel in a large city, our room's window was right by a busy street.  The hotel room's air conditioning was not functioning so we opened the window for some cool air.  With the window open the room filled with the noise from the street.  My friend and I were a little worried about the noise until I turned on my fan.  The gentle noise of the fan drowned out the street noise and my friend and I breathed a sigh of relief. The fan also cooled the room so we slept great that night.  Did I mention I plugged the fan right into my USB All in one adapter.  Ya...that is a thing.  Speaking of USB....

innobay 4-inch Personal Battery Operated Fan Rechargeable with LED Light, Quiet (Black) 

3. Justin Power Round Power Stick

This was given to me by a friend and I am forever grateful.  It changed my traveling life.  Who wants to stand by a charging stand or attempt to find an outlet that is actually free in an airport?  Anyone?  No. Me either.  The power stick solves that problem. You can sit or walk around the airport, if you prefer, while your phone charges in your bag.  This particular power stick charges your phone completely one time but I know there are others on the market that have up to three charges.  You will pay for the difference though.  The Justin Power Round Power Stick is under $15 USD.  Don't like the color have six other colors to choose from! Variety is a girl's friend.

4. Downy Wrinkle Release Plus

Listen folks, I like freshly laundered wrinkle free clothes as much as the next person but that is not the reason I brought this product.  When I travel I typically go on a trip that is around a week or so.  I like to travel lite which means clothes need to be worn more than once, especially jeans and cardigans.  Spritzing your clothes with Downy Wrinkle Release Plus after a long day of sight seeing brings your clothes back to life and they smell great.  The next time you have to wear those jeans on your trip they are not stiff and uncomfortable but fresh and clean(ish).  Downy doesn't replace a washer and dryer by any means but starting your day off in clothes that smell nice puts a smile on anyone's face.  Including the people you travel with who prefer that you don't smell like a 16 hour plane ride.

5. Shold It 

This is my favorite of all the things. I speak proper English on this here blog folks. As a girl who loves scarves anyway...this product replaces ugly passport holders (as convenient and cheap as passport holders are...I like the fashionable approach).  To put it simply, the Shold It is a scarf that doubles as a purse.  Yes, a purse!  While walking through an airport or sight seeing, I want all my important documents and cash on my person.  The Shold It solved that issue.  I was able to hold my passport, cash and cell phone in my Shold It and no one was the wiser.  (I will say...the weight of the cell phone did make my neck hurt after a while so I eventually moved that to my pocket when I was wearing the Shold It as a neck scarf.)  I figured out later that I could solve the weighted neck issue by wearing my Shold It as a crossbody scarf.  While in the airport, going through security was a breeze.  All I had to do was place the Shold It in the bin with my other belongings.  No picking through my pockets or having to shove a small purse into my backpack. I like my life simplified. I use this product not only while traveling but also in daily life so it was worth the investment.  Added bonus, the Shold It turns into a clutch purse!  It really is a fabulous product.  

Below are some pics of me using the scarf on my last trip overseas. 

 Enjoying some tea before we head out for the day.  The room was cold because of my fan...hence the extra scarf. ;)

Using the Shold It scarf as a crossbody in Asia!  

I was not paid by the manufactures of these products to endorse them. If you have a question you will get an honest answer. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Bring it on...I am done surviving.

The last few months have been a battle that I didn't expect.  Nothing good or bad in life is ever expected though is it?  Both have ways of surprising us...or at least that is the case in my life.  I am never prepared for the yuckiness of life.  I am also always surprised when God chooses to bless me. 

As you know this last fall my husband and I went on a trip overseas.  God used that trip to change our perspective about His calling on all believer's lives to... 

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit." Matt. 28:19  

Our hearts were ready for what God had in store for us.  As we followed in obedience to His call for us, our lives seemed to almost flip upside down.  Much remained the same but so much changed.  For the first couple of months after our trip, I couldn't contain my excitement about what God was doing in our lives.  I probably told everyone I knew about what He had done in our hearts.  It was incredible.  Then...then reality hit.  It hit hard.  My excitement turned to survival mode.  With the new challenges facing our family, it was a miracle that we all made it to the end of the day without hating each other.  I felt like I was going crazy.  

My kids were messy....all...the...time. 

They were misbehaving all...the...time. 

I was yelling all...the...time.

My house was a wreck (still is) all...the...time. 
My precious car...the only thing we truly owned now claimed a parking space not to be driven again.  My laptop died. Our money dwindled. Our extended families were facing hardships. Stress increased.  My identity in Christ was doubted and pity ensued. 

"Why me?" 

"Why now?" 

"Everything was so good before."

I had put my security in money, a car and a laptop.  I had put my value on the cleanliness of my home, the behavior of my children and how "perfect" I could be,

"I am a failure."

"I am not a good enough....wife, mother, sister, daughter....believer in Christ."

I believed the lies.  I let them consume me.  The enemy of our Lord attacked me and in turn attacked my family.  I was in survival mode.  I just had to make it through one more day. 

I couldn't do it alone.  

I couldn't survive the enemy's attack on my own. It took the attack on my marriage for me to realize what was happening.  My marriage was under a full force, kill, steal and destroy attack. My marriage is sacred.  You DO NOT mess with me and my man!  Before we realized what was going on my husband and I struggled, we fought and then we were finally honest with each other. My husband and I are a team.  You don't mess with our team.  

We rebuked Satan for his attack on our family and our marriage.  We came out of the haze that had been survival mode.  My husband and I prayed for our marriage, our family and our call to go and make disciples.  We rejoiced with our Savior over this battle that He had won.  We remembered who we are in Christ.  

Our dear friend told us that when we were called into the ministry that...

"The call to ministry is a call to prepare." 

We appreciated what he said then but now we have more of an understanding of what he meant. 

God is preparing us for the good fight.  

I am done surviving. 

I am ready for the good fight.

Bring it on. 

"10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly."
John 10:10 ESV


Sunday, March 1, 2015

From Nursery to Big Boy Room

We recently moved our boys into the same room together.  Since the room was previously our youngest son's nursery it needed to be updated to a big boy's room.  I thought I would share what made this job so easy.  I saw on Pinterest a couple years ago that you could embroidery hoops for a wall decoration.  That is what we did in the nursery.
                              We chose a cute animal and polka dot printed fabric for the nursery.

So no one would see the excess fabric I cut the fabric to size and hot glued it into place. 

Easy? I thought you might think so.  ;)

It is just as easy to remove the fabric and replace with something new.  That is exactly what we did when our five-year-old son requested a superhero theme!  

We are a Marvel family so we chose Marvel's Avengers. 

 Avengers Logo 
 Captain America
 The Hulk 

Want to know the best part? 

 This makeover was totally free! 

 You could use a themed fabric which would be fairly inexpensive since so little fabric is needed. You could simply look at some images and draw them onto white fabric you already have at home.   I used some off white fabric I had been given, a pencil, sharpie fine point marker and Crayola markers. All things I already had around the house. (I recommend fabric markers if you have them but the Crayolas are a great compromise if you don't have any!)  

This was a fun, quick and easy makeover!  Looking forward to seeing what you do!  

Happy Creating!


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

A story of a boy, a rainbow and a prayer.

We had finished homeschool for the day and we were ready to relax and play.  As I walk to the kitchen, where my little boy had just finished his assignment, he leaped up, shouting,

 "Mommy, there is a rainow on the ceiling!" 

His enthusiasm grew with each moment as the rainbow on the ceiling grew bigger.  In his excitement, he yelled, "Mommy, God is reminding us that He keeps His promises!" 

Melt my momma heart!  
"Yes, baby He does!" I replied.  

Joyful singing and praises to the King began as my little ones (all three of them) danced around our living room. (My mommy heart was melting even more as I watched my children praise their creator.)

"Mommy, take a picture!"
My little boy sang with delight. 

In that moment I thought of a dear friend.  She is always taking pictures of rainbows.  They seem to follow her where ever she goes.  ;) God is faithful to remind her of His promises.  As she faces difficulty this week...I knew I had to take a picture of that rainbow for her and for a certain little boy of mine. 

I took the picture and seconds later the rainbow was gone.  

The dancing and singing stopped as my children began to cry out that the rainbow was gone.  I thought the fun was over. I told my children that God blessed us with the rainbow for just a little while to remind us that He keeps His promises.  Just then I heard a soft tiny voice saying this prayer...
"Dear Heavenly Father, please make the rainbow come back. In Jesus name I pray, Amen." 

I heard my three year old daughter echoing her older brother's prayer saying "Yes, Jesus, please. Amen." 

This momma's heart pled on the inside "Oh, please Lord, answer their prayer." 

Just then, we all looked up and the rainbow had appeared!   

"It's back!!!!" 
J.J. yelled at the top of his lungs!


I was shocked and amazed! A bit surprised that God had chosen to answer their prayers so quickly. God checked my heart in that moment.  He reminded me of my need for child like faith. 

 My kids were running around dancing, singing and praising God for our little rainbow miracle.  

"God heard my prayers, Momma!"  
"Hooray for Jesus!  Hooray for God!  He hears our prayers! Praise God for everything!"

These were the words coming out of my babies mouths.  The big kids had tears of joy streaming down their faces.  

It was a grace appearing moment.  
The rainbow stayed on the ceiling for a few more minutes and slowly faded away.  

My son in desperation asked God to make the rainbow appear again. 

It didn't.  

My son got frustrated and angry. 

"Why isn't God letting the rainbow come back, Momma?" 

"Does God answer your prayers baby?" I replied.  

He said, with his eyes downcast. 

"Sometimes, God answers prayers quickly and sometimes he answers them slowly.  Sometimes His answers are yes and sometimes his answer is no but He always answers.  Maybe that is what God wanted to show you today." 

"I'm mad at God, Momma. Its not fair.  I want the rainbow back."

"God loves you baby.  He knows what is best for you whether you get mad at him or not." 

My little boy sulked away.  Accepting the answer but not happy about it.  

A few minutes later I saw him sneak behind a chair and I heard these words. 

"I'm sorry I got mad at you God.  You love me and you know what is best. I love you still." 

We as adults do the same thing sometimes.  We get frustrated with God for not answering our prayers when we want Him to.  Angry when He asks us instead to wait.  Maybe He doesn't give us the answer we like.  We choose only to praise Him when he gives us what we want immediately. 

 Yet He asks us to remain faithful and to follow in obedience.   

He does love you. 

He does hear you.

He has a perfect plan. 

The question is...will we choose to trust in only times of ease or also in times of difficulty?


Friday, January 30, 2015

Victims and Survivors

The other day I sat across from a beautiful friend of mine. I can see in her that she is strong, brave and resolute to follow her Savior.  We swapped life stories and found we had something in common. 

 We were both victims.  

I shared with her my story and she said to me that we are survivors.  I nodded my head in agreement but couldn't fully agree inside.  I felt ashamed. On good days, I could say that I was a survivor but not that day.  That day had followed a day of triggers that filled my heart with heaviness. She had been through so much and had overcome so much.  She was the survivor.  I, however, often wondered how far I had come.  I had made it eleven years with anxiety, depression, triggers, memories, nightmares, bitterness, fear and panic attacks. But as my dear friend sat across from me, all the yuckiness crept back in.  The resentment, the bitterness, the memories.  Not for the offender but for myself. The memories of the choices I had made that led to that night.  The what ifs and the why me seeped deep inside.  Just when I thought that all of that ugliness would creep up thinking that it would take hold of me, chocking couldn't because this time I knew truth.  You see even though I knew the truth, the Lord used my dear friend to remind me just when I thought I was about to lose the battle again.  She said that I was the daughter of the King.  Truth. Right when I needed it.  Grace appearing.  

I am the daughter of the King.  Whatever sins I committed that led up to the night I became a victim are forgiven and forgotten.  Whatever hurt, anxiety, depression, triggers, nightmares or fear can't take hold because I am a daughter of the King.  I am forgiven.  I don't have to be concerned with the offender because I forgive him too.  I say that in present tense because it is something I have to do every single day (sometimes more than once.)  

I have bad days sometimes but on those days I am still His daughter.  He loves me despite my past.  He loved before all of that yuckiness happened.  He died for me before I ever committed a sin.  He had a plan set in motion.  A plan to make me (and you) righteous.  

We have all sinned.  
We have all fallen short of the glory of God.
(ref. Romans 3:23)

We all deserve death for our sins. Yes, death. 
(ref.Romans 6:23)

Yet God, sent His only son to die on the cross for us. (ref. John 3:16)   He rose from the dead three days later. (ref. 1 Corinthians 15:4) If we confess with our mouth that He is Lord, we can be saved. (ref. Romans 10:19) 

He saved me and because of the grace He gave me when I was covered in the filth of sin...

He is my comforter, 
He carries me,
He provides for me. is not about me is it?  He gives all of those things but it is for His glory.  He is so holy, righteous, just, merciful, jealous, all powerful....infinite... 

He is the creator of the universe. The creator of the cell and of the atom.  He created you.  He knitted you together in your mother's womb.(ref. Psalm 139:13) He gave you breath. He is worthy of our adoration.  He is worthy of His glory.  

He rescued me from the pit.  He claimed me as His own.  He healed my broken heart. He made me new.  He washed me whiter than snow.  

I no longer have to look to my past (only to be reminded of what He has done for me) but cling to my Savior. My Savior who has a plan and purpose for me and my future. It is all for Him.  All for His beautiful glory.  I am His.  

I am a survivor. Yes.  

More than anything else...

I am rescued.  

My help and My Deliverer 

"To the choirmaster a psalm of David.

I waited patiently for the Lord, 
he inclined to me and heard my cry.
He drew me up from the pit of destruction
out of the miry bog,
and set my feet upon a rock,
making my steps secure.
He put a new song in my mouth,
a song of praise to our God.
Many will see and fear,
and put their trust in the Lord.

Blessed is the man who makes
the LORD his trust, 
who does not turn to the proud, 
to those who go astray after a lie!
You have multiplied, O LORD my God, 
your wondrous deeds and your thoughts toward us;
none can compare to you!
I will proclaim and tell to them, 
yet they are more than can be told.

In sacrifice and offering you have not delighted,
but you have given me and open ear.
Burnt offering and sin offering
you have not required.
Then I said, "Behold, I have come;
in the scroll of the book it is written of me;
I delight to do your will, O my God;
your law is within my heart."

I have told the glad news of deliverance 
in the great congregation;
behold, I have not restrained my lips,
as you know, O LORD.
I have not hidden your deliverance within my heart;
I have spoken of your faithfulness and your salvation;
I have not concealed your steadfast love and your faithfulness
from the great congregation.

As for you, O LORD, you will not restrain
your mercy from me;
your steadfast love and your faithfulness will 
every preserve me!
For evils have encompassed me
beyond number;
my iniquities have overtaken me, 
and I cannot see;
they are more than the hairs of my head;
my heart fails me.

Be pleased, O LORD, to deliver me!
O LORD, make haste to help me!
Let those be put to shame and disappointed altogether 
who seek to snatch away my life;
let those be turned back and brought to dishonor
who delight in my hurt!
Let those be appalled because of their shame
who say to me "Aha, Aha!"

But may all who seek you 
rejoice and be glad in you;
may those who love your salvation
say continually, "Great is the LORD!"
As for me, I am poor and needy,
but the Lord takes thought for me.
You are my help and my deliver;
do not delay, O my God!"

Psalm 40