We had finished homeschool for the day and we were ready to relax and play. As I walk to the kitchen, where my little boy had just finished his assignment, he leaped up, shouting,
"Mommy, there is a rainow on the ceiling!"
His enthusiasm grew with each moment as the rainbow on the ceiling grew bigger. In his excitement, he yelled, "Mommy, God is reminding us that He keeps His promises!"
Melt my momma heart!
"Yes, baby He does!" I replied.
Joyful singing and praises to the King began as my little ones (all three of them) danced around our living room. (My mommy heart was melting even more as I watched my children praise their creator.)
"Mommy, take a picture!"
My little boy sang with delight.
In that moment I thought of a dear friend. She is always taking pictures of rainbows. They seem to follow her where ever she goes. ;) God is faithful to remind her of His promises. As she faces difficulty this week...I knew I had to take a picture of that rainbow for her and for a certain little boy of mine.
I took the picture and seconds later the rainbow was gone.
The dancing and singing stopped as my children began to cry out that the rainbow was gone. I thought the fun was over. I told my children that God blessed us with the rainbow for just a little while to remind us that He keeps His promises. Just then I heard a soft tiny voice saying this prayer...
"Dear Heavenly Father, please make the rainbow come back. In Jesus name I pray, Amen."
I heard my three year old daughter echoing her older brother's prayer saying "Yes, Jesus, please. Amen."
This momma's heart pled on the inside "Oh, please Lord, answer their prayer."
Just then, we all looked up and the rainbow had appeared!
"It's back!!!!"
J.J. yelled at the top of his lungs!
I was shocked and amazed! A bit surprised that God had chosen to answer their prayers so quickly. God checked my heart in that moment. He reminded me of my need for child like faith.
My kids were running around dancing, singing and praising God for our little rainbow miracle.
"God heard my prayers, Momma!"
"Hooray for Jesus! Hooray for God! He hears our prayers! Praise God for everything!"
These were the words coming out of my babies mouths. The big kids had tears of joy streaming down their faces.
It was a grace appearing moment.
The rainbow stayed on the ceiling for a few more minutes and slowly faded away.
My son in desperation asked God to make the rainbow appear again.
It didn't.
My son got frustrated and angry.
"Why isn't God letting the rainbow come back, Momma?"
"Does God answer your prayers baby?" I replied.
He said, with his eyes downcast.
"Sometimes, God answers prayers quickly and sometimes he answers them slowly. Sometimes His answers are yes and sometimes his answer is no but He always answers. Maybe that is what God wanted to show you today."
"I'm mad at God, Momma. Its not fair. I want the rainbow back."
"God loves you baby. He knows what is best for you whether you get mad at him or not."
My little boy sulked away. Accepting the answer but not happy about it.
A few minutes later I saw him sneak behind a chair and I heard these words.
"I'm sorry I got mad at you God. You love me and you know what is best. I love you still."
We as adults do the same thing sometimes. We get frustrated with God for not answering our prayers when we want Him to. Angry when He asks us instead to wait. Maybe He doesn't give us the answer we like. We choose only to praise Him when he gives us what we want immediately.
Yet He asks us to remain faithful and to follow in obedience.
He does love you.
He does hear you.
He has a perfect plan.
The question is...will we choose to trust in only times of ease or also in times of difficulty?
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