Monday, August 4, 2014

First Day of Homeschool

Today we took the leap and started our homeschool journey.  I thought back last night to this time last year as I was preparing for my little man to start pre-k at a local public school.  Even though we started homeschool today my momma heart is still so fragile today!  My baby boy is starting kindergarten!  

Pre-K pic from last year - Kindergarten pic from today!  

Oh that smile.

J.J. had a lot of excitement about homeschool so I had to make today epic.  We started with checking out the box of fresh school supplies.  It made my heart so happy!
I heart baby food jars.

After checking out the school supplies, J.J. decided to pose for a picture in our homeschool room.
(aka dining area)

 We have our own mini library thanks to some wonderful homeschooling friends!
 We found these cute stickers at Dollar Tree! 
 This shelf used to hold toys but it has made a great addition to our homeschool room. 
Hello organization!
The calender, posters, and clock came from Dollar Tree too!
I love that store!
{Unfortunately Aug. 31 had to sit in the drawer.}

After another picture, Sir Adorable and I moved onto circle time.  J.J. got to meet our friend Weatherman Sam.  Weatherman Sam needs help picking out his clothes everyday.  ;)

We decided to get Sam dressed in every outfit but landed on shorts and tshirt as good for today's weather.

After getting Sam dressed we got some work done.  Below J.J. worked hard at cutting out circles

We also had a great time making "The Very Hungry Caterpillar"  and "B  is for Beaver" 
I love pinterest folks.  

It has been a great day!


  1. So fun. I bet Micaiah would rather go to your homeschool ;)

  2. Great job, baby girl! I knew you could do it. JJ appears to be having a blast!

  3. Angela, you are an excellent homeschooling momma. The fact that you homeschool with four littles is an encougement to me!
    Mom, I have learned so much for you! You are an excellent teacher!
