Monday, August 11, 2014

Three Projects: Wipe Package Lids Re-Purposed

Usually I would save my favorite for last but no one likes "the usual." Project One below is a upper case/lower case match up.  You could also match up numbers or colors.  I don't have the pictures for a "how to" but it is an easy project.

  1. Glue scrap booking paper to a thin piece of cardboard.
  2. Cover edges with ribbon.
  3. Hot glue lids next to each other.
  4. Make colorful alphabet cards that fit inside the lids.

The best part is that the cards store inside the lids!

Project Two:
Shape Sort Box

  • Cover and tape scrap book paper to a small shoe box.

  • Cut hole in lid and glue wipe lid to the top of the box.  


Project Three:
Color Sort Box

  • Cover box with scrapbook paper. 
  • Cut holes in lid.
  • Hot Glue wipe lids to box
  • Place velcro (sticky back) to the middle of the inside of the wipe lid.

  • Cut pieces of foam or paper out and place velcro on one piece. 

Enjoy your kids sorting colors!  You will be amazed about how much they know!

We store our foam pieces/ribbon inside baby food jars which go inside the box when we are finished!

Happy Homeschooling!


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