Thursday, July 31, 2014

Impetigo Nightmare

Sunday morning arrived and I was excited to get out of the house. {As a stay at home mom...I don't get out much.} We arrived at church with happiness in our hearts.  All the kids had had a great Saturday at their Maw Maw's house the night before and had slept wonderfully {not a cranky bone in their bodies.}  The kids were happy and ready to go.  Tim and I dropped off the kids to their classes but my youngest for the first time ever cried when I put him down to play.  He is a year old so I knew this time was coming and quickly set him up with a snack and went on my way to service.  Relieved that I had survived without crying myself.  {Dropping off your crying baby to nursery is tough stuff folks.} 

Tim and I went to service and Sunday school and afterward went to go pick up our little people from their classes.  J.J. was excited to show us his papers from class and Joy was giddy from all the excitement of playing with her friends.  When we went to go pick up Gabe he was sleepy and his teacher was holding him as he sucked on his thumb.  His little nose was crusty and his teacher explained that she attempted to wipe his nose but he was just to fussy to allow it.  {No big there, my kid is a tough stubborn cookie when it comes to getting his nose wiped.}  I took my little man from his teacher's arms and a little alarm went off in my head as I kissed his forehead.  Fever.  This was followed by....

"Oh no, what is wrong?  Why does he have a fever?  How did he get sick?  Did his teacher just say he slept for thirty minutes?  That is weird.  He NEVER sleeps anywhere but home.  He is so quiet.  Oh no...if he has a fever that means he has exposed other babies.  I am that mom.  Crap.  Okay...plan...get home...take his motrin that works better...feed him...put him down for a nap...reassess your ability as a mother....I am going to need a gallon jug of hand sanitizer."

I followed the plan when I got home and got little man down to a diaper.  I noticed when I took off his shoes that the mosquito bite that he gotten the night before on his foot had turned into a rash.  

This was followed by....

"Why does it have to be the weekend?  A rash...really?  E.R.?  No...its just a rash.  I can call the doctor in the morning.  Monday morning 8am is calling my name."

As the evening progressed my sweet baby boy became covered in bumps on his hands, feet,bottom and face.  It was a very long night.  My poor guy was so uncomfortable and it was just the beginning.  
8 am on Monday morning arrived and I called to get my little man into to see our wonderful nurse practitioner, Julianne.  Our appointment time arrived and she gave the diagnosis.  Not only did my little man have a virus but he also had impetigo.  

How do you say that again?  

Thankfully the impetigo can be treated with 10 days of antibiotics.  The virus would just have to run its course.  I was prepared.  I could do this.  I have done sick babies before.  I have got this. 

It is now day five and I don't got this.  Yesterday, we were back at the doctors office because my son's rash was not following protocol.  {My kids rarely do when it comes to illness.}  I just thought his little body was covered on night one of this junk but no night three proved me wrong. 

These sores/blisters can also be found on his hands,arms, legs and bottom.  

My son was miserable.  I was feeling like a failure.  My baby boy was not getting better despite all my efforts.  My efforts weren't good enough.  I am no doctor/nurse.  As I held my crying baby in the doctor's office waiting for the test results of his blood work the feelings of failure crept to the surface.  I was alone with my crying baby who I couldn't make feel better.  No amount of love or motrin was working.  His blood test revealed that we at least didn't need to worry and that the antibiotics were going to do their job. It would just take longer than expected.  I left the doctor's office feeling defeated.  The doctors/nurses had done their job well and I was left to finish it.  
We arrived home and I gave my little man another round of antibiotics and laid him down for a nap.  I dropped on the couch exhausted from a long morning {few days} and cried.  I was a failure.  If I just had given him more cold meds, used more lysol, given him his allergy meds every night instead of forgetting ...maybe he wouldn't be sick right now.  I played my husband's words back in my head from a conversation we had had that morning. 
"You are a great mom.  If you were a failure you wouldn't be standing in a doctor's office right now but at home letting him suffer.  There isn't much you can do for a cold so he would have gotten sick anyway.  You are not a failure."

Despite his words my heart still felt like I was failing my little one.  After days of my little guy crying when he was awake and only sleeping after his dose of pain relief meds kicked in...I was ready to see some results.  Something that showed that he would get better.  

As I sat there on the couch I went through all the "what ifs..."  and the "Woulda coulda shouldas...."  and a gentle whisper in my spirit asked me to stop.  His Word reveals that...

"He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds."
Psalm 147:3 ESV

The verse above is speaking about spiritual wounds but the passage goes onto speak of His abundant power.

"Great is our Lord, and abundant in power;
his understanding is beyond measure."
Psalm 147:5 ESV

God heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.  He is abundant in power and his understanding beyond measure.  He can heal my broken heart.  He can whisper his truth that I am not a failure but His fearfully and wonderfully made daughter.  His power can heal my sweet little man from this awful virus and infection.  He promises to be the strength for His people.  

My little one is still sick but his rash doesn't look worse than it did yesterday.  For the first time in five days he sat in his high chair to eat puffs. I will take that as a sign that we are on our way to a healthy little man.  It is His job to finish.  Not mine. 

Even though we are still in the midst of this yucky sickness...He is our saving refuge.  

Friday, July 25, 2014

Time Out Jar Disaster

As I was scrolling through Pinterest one day I saw the genius idea for a time out jar.  Since my daughter is getting to the age where time outs are a thing...I thought the time out jar might help her to sit still (quietly) when she decided not to obey.  I didn't have an empty plastic bottle on hand so I decided to use an empty peanut butter jar to make our time out jar.  I made the time out jar and we used it without incident for about two months.  My kids liked the time out jar at first...until they realized that it was indeed the "time out jar."  Time out is no fun and so they didn't like the fact that they could only "play" with the jar in time out.  This fact caused a rift between my children and the time out jar.  Which I was completely fine with until yesterday.  
Yesterday started like the majority of my days start.  I attempted to wake up at six in the morning so I could have an hour to study the bible, pray and spend time with my Savior.  I didn't wake up at six (snooze) but rolled out of bed around eightish.  At which time my kids were joyfully begging me for breakfast and the opportunity to watch Netflix.  Like most mornings, I drug myself to the kitchen, got the kids breakfast and changed diapers.  I got everyone settled and attempted to spend some time with Jesus.  I was happy to see a short lesson.  I did not have time pray so I just opted to do the lesson as quickly as possible and move on to my chores.  Fifteen minutes and fifteen interruptions later I emerged from my bible study time with a check mark off my list.  I moved on to my chores and was glad to see only a small amount of dishes waiting for me.  I finished my task and worked on a couple homeschool projects.  We went throughout our day without to many problems and the kids enjoyed having a normal summer day.  Nap time arrived and nap time ended in about ten minutes.  No one was sleeping today.  Cranky moments began popping up left and right.  The moment arrived...the time out jar was called to action.  I sent one of my little ones to time out and a few minutes later I feel a light tap on my shoulder.  
"Mommy, I accidentally broke the time out jar." 
I was surprisingly calm when I heard what my little one had just told me.  I don't think I was calm because I am a good mom.  I was calm because I was numb.  I was just trying to get through the day.  I walked back to my child's bedroom to find bright red wet glitter in the carpet.  My little person had thrown the time out jar and the lid busted in half.  I asked my little one why and the response was that...
"I don't like the time out jar."
I sighed and went about cleaning up the mess.  I felt like a failure. To be honest if I had acted more like Jesus in handling my son, he wouldn't have ended up in time out in the first place.  I had become quite cranky as the day progressed.  (My poor kids.)   
Lots of paper towels and a vacuum cleaner (that looked like a unicorn threw up in it) later...the mess on the carpet was cleaned up.  I emerged from battle covered in glitter.  

My little one apologized and asked if he could help me make another time out jar.  I told him that we were done with the time out jar.  He was slightly disappointed but content with my answer.  My husband came home and I left to go to the grocery store.  (Yes, I was still covered in glitter.)  

I was so disappointed in myself.  I had started my day with such good intentions and instead turned into a cranky mom who just wanted to be left alone.  As I drove home from the grocery store, my kids VBS CD was playing and a song came on that gently reminded me of God's grace.  

"Even though I don't deserve it,
no way that I could earn it,
He loves us,
God loves us so.

With grace and full forgiveness,
He washed away sin cause,
He loves us,
God loves us so.

This is how He loves us so,
with love that's unconditional
Not because of we do,
or what we've done.

This is why He gave His life,
made the greatest sacrifice,
Jesus loves us more than
we could ever know.
God loves us so."

Weird Animals VBS
Group Publishing
"God Loves Us So"

God wraps His arms around us even when we have had a bad mommy day.  He wraps up in His grace even when you don't think He can.  As I drove home I let Him wrap me up in His grace.  I thought about how I could have done things differently.  My day could have gone a lot differently if I had chosen to spend time with my Savior. But God gives grace when I make mistakes. I was reminded of Mark 1:33;35 where Jesus is ministering to the people of Galilee.

"And the whole city was gathered together at the door."
Mark 1:33 ESV

Jesus had been ministering all day long, non-stop, with no-breaks and the WHOLE CITY was at the door waiting for His attention.  

"And he healed many who were sick with various diseases, and cast out many demons..."
Mark 1:34a ESV

He ministered to the whole city

"And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed."
Mark 1:35 ESV

Jesus must have been exhausted from staying up late ministering to the entire city.  It was important to Jesus to spend time with The Father in fellowship.  I have three little people at my door.  Sometimes I am up late with them but most nights I could easily get eight hours of sleep at night.  Three little ones is small considered to what Jesus faced everyday.  Fellowship with The Father is so important that Jesus made it a priority.  It needs to be my priority as well.  

When I actually sit down, listen, pray and come into the presence of the Lord my heart is renewed and I am ready to take on the day.  Not a check mark on my to do list but the pursuit of my purpose.  {He is my purpose.}  He has given me these sweet babies to love ,care for and to teach.  My children are a part of my ministry.   

Today is a new day.  This morning while reading John 10, I came upon verses fourteen and fifteen.

"I am the good shepherd.  I know my own and my own know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father, and I lay down my life for the sheep."
John 10:14-15 ESV

He is the good shepherd. He is gentle and His ways are perfect.  He laid his life down for us.  

I desire to know His voice above all others.  Daily fellowship with Him is crucial for daily life, ministry....everything. :)  

So...with a refreshed mommy attitude this morning we tossed the time out jar (though time out will still occur because little people are also little learners.)  We embarked on our first homeschool craft a bit early and enjoyed the time together learning about Jesus.  

{Our sheep are extra Charmin soft because Mommy ran out of cotton balls.}

Embrace His fellowship.  It is totally worth it.


Thursday, July 24, 2014

Formula Box Re-Purpose

When I recently bought dominoes at a local thrift store the tin box that the dominoes came in was rusted.  (Thankfully the dominoes were still wrapped in plastic on the inside.)  We like to reuse and re-purpose around our house so I decided that an empty formula container would make a good container for our dominoes.  Below is the finished product.

What have you re-purposed in your home?

Below are some other ways we re-purposed formula containers.  They have made homeschool organization cheap!

 Counting Cubes
 Fix It Cubes 


Shape Sort Box

When my husband and I decided to homeschool our kids we thought it would be fun to have some of the stable classroom "toys" that we had when we were in school.  One of those being the wooden shape puzzles.

My littles love doing the puzzles but I thought it might be fun to make a shape sorting box for them.  

What you will need:

  • Shoe box 
  • X Acto knife
  • Construction paper
  • Wipe clear tape
Note:  You can use the cardboard cutouts from the shape box if you don't have the wooden shapes.  

Step One:  Explore your home for a shoe box.  I used a Toms box because it has a lid connected to the box that flips up.  

Step Two:  Cover shoe box with construction paper using wide clear tape.  

Step Three:  Trace shapes onto box. 

Step Four:  Use an x acto knife to cut out the shapes.  

Step Five:  Enjoy watching your kids learn shapes but sorting!  

Note:  My little guy enjoyed being my model for the picture below.  ;)

Happy Homeschooling!


Wednesday, July 23, 2014

To-Do Ta-Done Canister!

Two projects in one day!  This won't happen kids actually kind of napped today.  (Stayed in theirs room singing to themselves is more like it but I digress.)

This is another recycle post because apparently I can't throw anything away.  Since we have little ones ranging from age five to age one in our house we go through a lot of Gerber Graduates snacks.

I thought these canisters would be useful for something so today we will transform this canister into a fun "To-Do Ta-Done!" canister for kids.  My five year old is at that wonderful age where helping around the house is more fun than a chore so I thought we could make it even more exciting for him!  Ha!  

Here is what you will need:

  • Canister/Container with lid.  (You will be cutting slits in the lid so make sure it is thin plastic if you decide not to use a Gerber Graduate canister.)
  •  Construction paper
  • Roll of clear wide tape (or you can laminate the construction paper and tape underneath.)
  • Markers
  • Popsicle Sticks (Large)
  • X Acto Knife 
Step One:
Cut small slits in the top of the lid with an x acto knife/box knife.  I did eight but I believe you could do up to ten. You might be able to even do twelve if you have extra good x acto knife skills. ;) 

Note: I actually made two To-Do Ta-Done Canisters. One for each child so the rest of my pictures will have a white lid. My daughters looked better on camera.  Haha! 

Step Two:

Cut construction paper to size and tape to canister to cover label.  The piece of construction paper will not go all the way around so you will need to tape a small piece in the back to cover the remainder of the label.   This would also be the time to place your child's name or stickers for decoration onto the paper.  

Step Three:

Take two long pieces of wide clear tape and cover construction paper to hold in place and also to protect the paper so it doesn't rip in the future.

 Step Four:

Color half of your popsicle stick and label with the chore of your choice.  Color the other half and label DONE! I made all the "Done" side the same color so when I look at it at a glance I will know immediately if my kiddos completed their assigned task.    

When your child completes a task let them turn over their popsicle stick!  They will be very pleased when they see all the "DONE" sides upright.  

Have fun!  


Recycle: Tin Foil Muffin Pan Turned Counting/Sorting Game for Kids

According to my white board we start homeschool in thirteen days.  I am ready....I think.  Homeschool "room" aka dining room is almost ready.  My little people are anticipating this new adventure that my two year old daughter refers to as "homecool." :)  I have spent the summer preparing so I think my kids are more than ready to figure out what on earth mommy has been up to most of the summer.  As we begin our homeschool adventure in a couple of weeks I thought I might share a easy sorting/counting activity for your youngsters.

You will need:

  • tin foil muffin pan
  • velcro (with a sticky back)
  • construction paper
  • laminator and laminating sheet
  • pom poms (you can really use anything that will fit in the tin sections to sort/count: buttons, beads, yarn,etc...)

I used the tin foil muffin pan from some ready made muffins from Braums (as pictured below)

Step One:

Cut your construction paper into small squares and number 1-20. 

Step Two: 

Laminate your squares and trim excess.  If you don't have a laminator you can use a roll of clear tape on each side of the squares.  

Step Three:

Cut velcro into small square pieces and place on the back of the now laminated numbered squares.  

Step Four:

Place a small square piece of velcro in  each muffin tin section.

Step Five: 

Place numbered squares into muffin tin and watch your kids enjoy counting and sorting!

Now you have an easy way for your kids to count and you are able to place whatever number you like in each section.  

Note:  I used a baby food jar to hold the remainder numbered squares.  The baby food jar fits perfectly inside one of the tin sections for storage.  

Happy Homeschooling!  


Sunday, July 20, 2014

My Little People

My kids are funny little people.  They always know how to make me laugh even when they aren't trying.  My son J.J. is five years old.  Last week at VBS we learned about the golden rule.  J.J. in all his tiny genius tried to convince me that I needed to allow him to stay up, instead of napping by saying "Momma, you should give me a second chance.  That is the golden rule!"  (I usually let him stay up and watch a movie but he was kind of cranky.)

My daughter Joy is almost three and she is quite the itty bitty momma to her 700 baby dolls.  I have baby dolls coming out my ears but she loves them all so much I can't bring myself to put any of them up for sale.  

Gabriel is our youngest who just turned a year old.  He is the sweetest little guy you will meet!  I know every mom says that about her little boy but he really is so super sweet!  He discovered that he could bob his head to music this week.  Who knew the ending credits of the movie Hitch could inspire such movement in a little person?  

I will post more about my little people more later...but for now I have run out of time.  Life of a mom!


Saturday, July 19, 2014

His Heart

              I am a wife and mother of three.  My husband and I have been together, as a couple, for almost a decade. Our story began after a very difficult time in my life.  A time when I thought all men were scum of the earth.  God used Tim (my husband) to show me that God had created men.  He created men to be manly.  He created men for His glory.  The boys that had been in my life up to that point had no lived up to what God had created them to be.  A man follows after God's heart.  A man seeks righteousness.  A man protects his bride.  A man lives for God's glory.  A man gives up everything to the LORD.  When I met my husband he was not that kind of man.  He would agree with me on this.  He was not a believer, which for a girl who had loved Jesus her whole life (but had made some horrible mistakes with boys) Tim scared me when I began to have feelings for him.  I didn't want to go down that path again.  The path of...."I love Jesus so much that I can change everything wrong with that boy!"  NO!  
Ladies:  You do not love Jesus enough to change anyone! 
                 The only one who can change a heart
                      is the one who created it.  

"A new heart I will give you
and a new spirit I will put within you, 
and I will take away the stony heart out 
of your flesh and give you a
heart of flesh."
Ezekiel 36:26 AMP

I did the only thing I knew to do when Tim became my friend and I began to have feelings for him.  I prayed for those feelings to go away.  HA!  I told the Lord that I couldn't go through that heartbreak again.  It hurt too much. I NEEDED the feelings for Tim to go away. (I am so glad God knew what I actually needed.)
 I prayed for Tim that he would come to know the Lord but in the past when I had prayed for another boy's salvation nothing came of it.  Not because God didn't hear me but because the other boy's heart was hardened (stony) against the Lord.  
Tim and I became close friends.  My feelings for him grew daily despite my efforts to get rid of them.  I focused on my creator and slowly God revealed to me that Tim was the man I would marry someday.  With that, my feelings of caring for Tim turned to falling in love with him.  I wasn't falling for the guy that Tim was in that moment.  I was falling for the man that God had created him to be.  Tim's heart turned to the Lord.  He gave his life to his Heavenly Father and my heart rejoiced!  My future husband was gripped by the Father!  Our relationship blossomed from friendship to courtship.  Tim was becoming the man that God had created him to be.  He protects me.  He seeks righteousness.  He follows after God's heart.  He lives for God's glory and he as given everything to the LORD.  As our 6th wedding anniversary approaches, I think about the journey that Tim and I have been on. I remember how God used Tim to show me how a real man is suppose to act and treat his bride.  I am thankful that the Lord brought me through the most difficult time in my life.  Jesus wrapped His arms around me and carried me through. {He is still carrying me.} He gave me a man after His own heart when I thought I deserved the scum. The Lord brought Tim and I closer to Him, which in turn brought us closer together.  
As you go throughout your week, remember that your Heavenly Father made the men in your life to be who He created them to be.  It is much easier to treat them with the respect they deserve when you see them through God's eyes.  Pray for them daily to become men after God's own heart.  If you are not yet married, pray for your future husband.  He needs you supporting him in prayer even if you haven't met.  If you are a married woman, pray for and with your husband daily.  It is so easy to get caught up with kids, chores, work and duty that we forget to pray for our husbands.  I hope that we can remember to encourage the men in our lives to become fully His in every aspect of their lives. I hope that in turn you will seek after your Heavenly Father.  You are His precious daughter. 

“A woman’s heart should be so hidden in Christ that a man should have to seek Him first to find her.”-Maya Angelou
