As I was scrolling through Pinterest one day I saw the genius idea for a time out jar. Since my daughter is getting to the age where time outs are a thing...I thought the time out jar might help her to sit still (quietly) when she decided not to obey. I didn't have an empty plastic bottle on hand so I decided to use an empty peanut butter jar to make our time out jar. I made the time out jar and we used it without incident for about two months. My kids liked the time out jar at first...until they realized that it was indeed the "time out jar." Time out is no fun and so they didn't like the fact that they could only "play" with the jar in time out. This fact caused a rift between my children and the time out jar. Which I was completely fine with until yesterday.
Yesterday started like the majority of my days start. I attempted to wake up at six in the morning so I could have an hour to study the bible, pray and spend time with my Savior. I didn't wake up at six (snooze) but rolled out of bed around eightish. At which time my kids were joyfully begging me for breakfast and the opportunity to watch Netflix. Like most mornings, I drug myself to the kitchen, got the kids breakfast and changed diapers. I got everyone settled and attempted to spend some time with Jesus. I was happy to see a short lesson. I did not have time pray so I just opted to do the lesson as quickly as possible and move on to my chores. Fifteen minutes and fifteen interruptions later I emerged from my bible study time with a check mark off my list. I moved on to my chores and was glad to see only a small amount of dishes waiting for me. I finished my task and worked on a couple homeschool projects. We went throughout our day without to many problems and the kids enjoyed having a normal summer day. Nap time arrived and nap time ended in about ten minutes. No one was sleeping today. Cranky moments began popping up left and right. The moment arrived...the time out jar was called to action. I sent one of my little ones to time out and a few minutes later I feel a light tap on my shoulder.
"Mommy, I accidentally broke the time out jar."
I was surprisingly calm when I heard what my little one had just told me. I don't think I was calm because I am a good mom. I was calm because I was numb. I was just trying to get through the day. I walked back to my child's bedroom to find bright red wet glitter in the carpet. My little person had thrown the time out jar and the lid busted in half. I asked my little one why and the response was that...
"I don't like the time out jar."
I sighed and went about cleaning up the mess. I felt like a failure. To be honest if I had acted more like Jesus in handling my son, he wouldn't have ended up in time out in the first place. I had become quite cranky as the day progressed. (My poor kids.)
Lots of paper towels and a vacuum cleaner (that looked like a unicorn threw up in it) later...the mess on the carpet was cleaned up. I emerged from battle covered in glitter.
My little one apologized and asked if he could help me make another time out jar. I told him that we were done with the time out jar. He was slightly disappointed but content with my answer. My husband came home and I left to go to the grocery store. (Yes, I was still covered in glitter.)
I was so disappointed in myself. I had started my day with such good intentions and instead turned into a cranky mom who just wanted to be left alone. As I drove home from the grocery store, my kids VBS CD was playing and a song came on that gently reminded me of God's grace.
"Even though I don't deserve it,
no way that I could earn it,
He loves us,
God loves us so.
With grace and full forgiveness,
He washed away sin cause,
He loves us,
God loves us so.
This is how He loves us so,
with love that's unconditional
Not because of we do,
or what we've done.
This is why He gave His life,
made the greatest sacrifice,
Jesus loves us more than
we could ever know.
God loves us so."
Weird Animals VBS
Group Publishing
"God Loves Us So"
God wraps His arms around us even when we have had a bad mommy day. He wraps up in His grace even when you don't think He can. As I drove home I let Him wrap me up in His grace. I thought about how I could have done things differently. My day could have gone a lot differently if I had chosen to spend time with my Savior. But God gives grace when I make mistakes. I was reminded of Mark 1:33;35 where Jesus is ministering to the people of Galilee.
"And the whole city was gathered together at the door."
Mark 1:33 ESV
Jesus had been ministering all day long, non-stop, with no-breaks and the WHOLE CITY was at the door waiting for His attention.
"And he healed many who were sick with various diseases, and cast out many demons..."
Mark 1:34a ESV
He ministered to the whole city.
"And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed."
Mark 1:35 ESV
Jesus must have been exhausted from staying up late ministering to the entire city. It was important to Jesus to spend time with The Father in fellowship. I have three little people at my door. Sometimes I am up late with them but most nights I could easily get eight hours of sleep at night. Three little ones is small considered to what Jesus faced everyday. Fellowship with The Father is so important that Jesus made it a priority. It needs to be my priority as well.
When I actually sit down, listen, pray and come into the presence of the Lord my heart is renewed and I am ready to take on the day. Not a check mark on my to do list but the pursuit of my purpose. {He is my purpose.} He has given me these sweet babies to love ,care for and to teach. My children are a part of my ministry.
Today is a new day. This morning while reading John 10, I came upon verses fourteen and fifteen.
"I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father, and I lay down my life for the sheep."
John 10:14-15 ESV
He is the good shepherd. He is gentle and His ways are perfect. He laid his life down for us.
I desire to know His voice above all others. Daily fellowship with Him is crucial for daily life, ministry....everything. :)
So...with a refreshed mommy attitude this morning we tossed the time out jar (though time out will still occur because little people are also little learners.) We embarked on our first homeschool craft a bit early and enjoyed the time together learning about Jesus.
{Our sheep are extra Charmin soft because Mommy ran out of cotton balls.}
Embrace His fellowship. It is totally worth it.
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